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Deer Creek Landowners, Inc.
Home of Tom Bird and Emmanuela Raquelle
1495 Don’s Rd.
Boulder Creek, CA 95006
BOD meeting
December 14, 2009

Present: Joseph Sundram, Tom Bird, Emmanuela Raquelle, Joy Mundy, Craig Rosenberg, Tys Sniffen, Arden Pierce. Bruce Argyle absent. Guest: Mike Krause.

Mike Krause’s property is on Coalition Drive, off Hartman Creek Rd. and he wants to build a house there. They are trying to build a 'permitted' home, thus requiring certain road specifications that have to be met for CDF approval and sign-off. He discussed areas on Deer Creek that are of concern to Cal Fire, e.g., impossibility of a pumper to negotiate turns. (Hard copy of map and information will be in Book of Minutes as soon as we receive a detailed PDF file from Mike).

Approval of 9 8 09 Board of Directors minutes by acclamation.

Secretary’s report: Manuela went to 1st American Title with Release of Liens that were placed on York parcels; had Releases notarized and submitted them to 1st American Title. Total we’ll be getting from York sale to Curtis Simonton is $4459.35. Manuela has asked Mary Beth, real estate agent, to make sure she gets notarized signature of Curtis on JMA. Escrow is to close on December 18, 2009. Manuela reported that the following people have liens placed on their properties. The amounts reflect neither late fees, interest, nor filing charges.

Miller: 646;
Foraker: 7,163.15
Talberg: 1,516.22
Talberg 1,516.22
Favorito: 2,961.10
Schwarzmann 3,900.00
Parker/Johnson – 289
Lafever: 995
Liversedge: 744
Roy/Corbell: 631
Schwarzmann: 605
Deer Creek Int’l 248
Bellamy: 1,018.95
Victor Smith – $16,260. This reflects the amount DCLI billed Smith for his logging project.

Joy moved to accept Secretary‘s report, Tys 2nd, approved

Treasurer’s report: hard copy in Book of Minutes. Tys reported that Parker/Johnson has paid. Tys will give Manuela correct amount and she will file Release of Lien. Tys reported that John Miller contacted him to make sure that all landowners are paying accordingly. If landowners have questions about their bill and/or what they owe, board members should give out Tys’ phone number. Don’t take their number; have them call the treasurer if they want to discuss something.

Road Manger’s report: Tom suggested that we put 3K into a CD. He is working with RCD to pay for paving and we pay for the grading on Deer Creek Rd. between the 3rd bridge and Ramble Rd. We have to submit application pretty quickly. We had planned on $3K for work for Ramble and $800 for Hartman. Before we fix potholes between 3rd bridge and Ramble, we’d like RCD to see the extent of the damage. When there is a week of dry weather, we need a work party. Tom suggests taking the money that 845s have paid and use it for working on the front of the road. Joseph reminded us that in spite of the distress that it causes the people who pay, we have to remember that the paying people also use the parts of the road for which the non-payers don’t pay. December 23rd is deadline for submitting a grant for fire suppression/fuel removal/brush clearing.

Tom made two presentations for RCD – one on Swanton Rd. and one in Corralitos. Manuela reported that both presentations were excellent and that Tom received many kudos from those present. Approximately half of the people present are in road associations and have the same concerns as do we: collection from members and 845s who do not pay their dues/fair share. Tom suggested to those road association members that we all join together to make an association of road associations and develop a legal fund so we can all have a test case in superior court in order to determine a precedent for members and 845s who do not pay their fair share. There was enthusiastic support for that idea.

We need a break in the weather to have a work party. We need to clear brush– how much might it cost to get brush work? Tom will talk to Marvin about hiring him to do the work with his vehicle. Tom was asked what sections of the road he’s concerned about; he told us above the black gate. Tom talked about the upcoming RCD tour which will be available to individuals from the County. Tys moved to approve Rd. Mgr report, Joy 2nd, approved. Joseph suggested that the board take a tour of the entire road system. New business:

Arden suggested that DCLI have a petty cash fund for when a small amount of $$ is needed promptly so . We should remember that we need to budget in various administrative costs so that board members should not absorb costs out of the goodness of their hearts; that only messes up our budgeting process, as we can’t always count on donations like that.

Tom reported on the conversation he had with Greg Carter, atty for Victor Smith. Carter told Tom that Victor will be willing to accept the compromise that Tom suggested; basically that Smith pay more than his offer, and we accept less than our demand. And Smith also asked for a modification of the Heavy Vehicle Policy: that fees be based on actual weight of vehicles going in and out.

Spring membership meeting will take place earlier – last part of April. Next Board meeting date will be determined by Joseph.

Tys moved to adjourn, Craig 2nd, adjourned at 9:05 p.m.