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Minutes of General Meeting     November 14, 2009


Joseph called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., welcomed the landowners, and introductions were held.  Roster of attendees and proxies is with hard copy in Book of Minutes.

Motion by Bruce to approve the minutes of Spring 2009 meeting, 2nd Jose, approved. It was noted that each landowner had been mailed a copy of the minutes of Spring 2009 meeting, and minutes are posted on our website.

Treasurer’s report: hard copy with Book of Minutes and attached here.  Tys noted that the time for dues and 845 contributions to be sent with no penalty had elapsed, and liens are ready to be placed against the parcels in arrears.  Notary John Kriegsman was present and notarized signatures of 4 officers on 10 liens. (List of parcels to be liened are in Secretary’s report.)   Tys explained that Ron Chandik is still quite involved and helpful with the work of the Treasurer, and for that we are all grateful. Motion by Mike to approve the Treasurer’s report, 2nd Stan, approved.

Road Manager’s report:  Tom narrated his Power Point presentation (available on DCLI website), showing ‘before and after’ photos of sections of the road system for which money had been budgeted by the membership during the Spring 2009 meeting. He received a round of applause and much gratitude for all his work.   He reminded people that though he is the Road Manager, he is not the Labor Department, and when a tree is down, the landowners who are impacted should be taking care of it.  He reminded those present that we are neighbors and as such should be helping out each other out by clearing ditches and plugged culverts, cutting back scotch broom, and clearing fallen trees; do not simply drive by when we see someone working on the road: stop and help.  Take the time to work with your neighbors.  If we don’t have time to stop, then give a thank you to whomever is working.  Tom related incidents in which landowners would tell him that they will not pay their dues until they saw the road being fixed; he explained that the road work can only be done when the funds are available.  We have to pay contractors for material and labor costs, and we need to have the money available before we start any repair work.  Tys reminded us that if they see one of the Board members working on the road, don’t tell them how they should be doing the project, and don’t discuss issues that should be directed to the Treasurer or the Secretary.  Regarding the paving from 3rd bridge to Ramble: Jose explained that people have made commitments to fund the project, but more commitments are necessary before the project can start. The earliest the work can begin is in the summer, when the road is dry enough.  Tom explained that he is engaged in conversations with Resource Conservation District and Dept of Agriculture to see if we can get a grant to do the grading work for this project.  Since taxpayer money cannot be used to asphalt pave a private road, Deer Creek Landowners can pay for the asphalt paving portion of the project.

Tom is disappointed that the Palm Drive landowners are not contributing their fair share for road maintenance on the first .7 miles from Bear Creek Rd. to the green gate.  The repair work done so far on that section was paid for by Deer Creek Landowners and non-Palm Drive 845s other than Kaplan and Ellis.  Tom explained that Gordy Stewart is erroneously telling 845 landowners that because the traffic commissioner in Small Claims court ruled in his favor for that year, that no 845s need to contribute their fair share for maintenance.  It should be understood that Small Claims court does not set precedent for any other cases, and so neither applies for subsequent years nor to any other landowner.  Joy moved to approved the Road Manager’s report, Bruce 2nd, approved.


Secretary’s report: attached and hard copy with Book of Minutes.  Manuela reported on monies received from escrows closing, and explained that if a lien is placed on a parcel and the parcel is sold or refinanced, we will receive the amount of the lien in addition to recording fees, and interest and late fees at 10%. She further explained that if a member’s parcel changes hands with no escrow, we will not be informed, because no title company will be involved.  We also will not be informed if an  845’s parcel is in escrow, because there is nothing that shows on their deed as being involved with DCLI.  Manuela has contacted the various local title companies, giving them the parcel numbers of 845s and asked that we be contacted if one of those parcels is involved in a sale.  Manuela read the  names of landowners whose parcels we have already liened or will lien this week.  Motion to approve Secretary’s report by Jose, 2nd Mike, approved.

Elections: It was determined that a quorum was present and elections were held.  Road Manager’s position now held by Tom Bird: Arden nominated Tom, and he was elected by acclamation.  Director’s position now held by Mike Brown: Manuela nominated Bruce Argyle, and he was elected by acclamation.  Secretary’s position now held by Emmanuela Raquelle: Joseph nominated Manuela, and she was elected by acclamation.  Both Tom and Manuela announced that this is the last year that they would be serving on the Board.  Discussion was held and members were encouraged to step up to the plate.  Manuela said that she will work with the next Secretary during this year

New business: Tys reported that the list of landowners who were in arrears was posted on a tree at the head of the road and was neither torn down or shot at.

Geoff Tobin arrived after 3:00 p.m. after the membership meeting had been adjourned, and was informed that the 845 portion of the meeting which was to be held at 3:00 p.m. was not held due to lack of 845 landowner presence.
Motion to adjourn by Joy, 2nd by Bruce, adjourned 2:20 p.m.. Adjourned – 2:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Emmanuela Raquelle, Secretary